Carl G. Jung – Dicas de Artigos Acadêmicos
[PDF] CG Jung on religion
P Miranda – Self-Revista do Instituto Junguiano de São Paulo, 2019 … Descriptors Jung, Carl Gustav, 1875-1961, religion, psychology… Este artigo examina o envolvimento de Jung com o fenômeno da religião durante vários estágios de sua … As ideias aqui desenvolvidas baseiam-se em uma ampla …
M Vardanian – ББК 81.2 Р А 43, 2019… In general, fairy tale as a genre is the subject of research in particular, by famous scientists Vladimir Propp (“Historical Roots of the Fairy Tale”), and Carl Gustav Jung (“The Phenomenology of the Spirit in Fairy Tales”). Ukrainian …
[PDF] Isn’t alchemy a spiritual tradition?
PJ Forshaw –… Well, kind of, depending on how you defijine “spiritual” and the particular type of alchemy you’re talking about. The new historiography of alchemy prefers to speak of quite a wide variety of alchemies, rather than one generalised notion, and “spiritual alchemy” is a pretty …
[PDF] Aren’t We Living in a Disenchanted World?
E Asprem – 2019 –… It may be easiest to begin with a common assumption: that being modern means being rational. The modern person has a scientific mindset, a pragmatic attitude, and trusts technology to solve our every problem.“Rationality,” in this common view, is the antithesis of …
[PDF] El concepto de mandala
CG Jung
La palabra “mandala” significa en sánscrito “círculo sagrado”. El círculo es el símbolo universal de la unidad y la totalidad. Los mandalas son diseños de simetría circular utilizados por numerosas culturas y religiones de todas las épocas para …
[PDF] Martin Behaim of Nuremberg: the’real discoverer of America’? German textbooks of the 18th to 21st centuries and the myth of the flat Earth
R Bernhard – Myths in German-language Textbooks… The guide to film drama- turgy mentioned above refers to Campbell and his
description of a monomyth’s struc- ture: 26 Carl Gustav Jung, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, cited in Adriana Braga,’Mind as Medium …
description of a monomyth’s struc- ture: 26 Carl Gustav Jung, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, cited in Adriana Braga,’Mind as Medium …
[PDF] Cultural Values of Trees in the East African Context
G Acquaviva – Kervan. International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies, 2019… 2013. “The Forest in African Traditional Thought and Practice: An Ecophilosophical Discourse.” Open Journal of Philosophy 3/2: 345-350. Jung, Carl Gustav. 2012. L’Albero Filosofico. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri …